


1.教师节的由来英文版简介 2.教师节的由来英文版简介 3.教师节的来历英文版 4.教师节由来英语简写


1931年,教育家邰爽秋、程其保等联络京、沪教育界人士 ,在南京中央大学集会,发表要求“改善教师待遇,保障教师工作和增进教师修养”的宣言,并议定6月6日为教师节,也称双六节 。这个教师节没有被当时的国民党政府承认,但在中国各地产生了一定影响 。

In 1931, educators such as Shao Shuangqiu and Cheng Qibao contacted educators in Beijing and Shanghai. They gathered at Nanjing Central University and issued a declaration calling for "improving teachers'treatment, ensuring teachers' work and improving teachers'accomplishment", and agreed that June 6 would be Teachers' Day, also known as Double Six Sections. This Teacher's Day was not recognized by the Kuomintang government at that time, but it had a certain impact throughout China.



Teachers have an influencing role in the life of a student. They are like beacons of light guiding us in the formative years of our life. A teacher moulds us and in the process shapes our future. What we learn from our teachers remains with us throughout our life giving us direction. But very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support from the community to feel that their efforts are being recognized. Towards this end only, Teacher''s Day is celebrated throughout the world. By celebrating National Teacher''s Day we thank our teachers for providing us their invaluable guidance.

老师有一个影响的角色在学生的生活中。 他们是象引导我们的光烽火台在形成期我们的生活。 老师铸造我们和过程形状的我们的未来。 什么我们从我们的与我们的老师遗骸学会在我们给与生命中我们方向。 但是经常,我们不显示我们的他们的热爱的欣赏和谢意。 老师需要从社区的鼓励和支持认为他们的努力被认可。 仅往这个末端,老师" s天在世界各地庆祝。 通过庆祝全国老师" s天我们感谢我们的老师提供我们他们无价的教导。



Teachers ,known as gardeners,engineers of the human souls,is a profession esteemed by the general public.


In 1931, educators Tai Shuang-qiu and Cheng Qiao called on an establishment of teachers' day to improve teachers' treatment, protection and promotion of teachers training. They gave out Teachers' Declaration and asked for the official agreement of teachers' Day and they celebrated by themselves for teachers in the Central University in Nanjing. Soon, the KMT government first agreed on June 6 for the teachers, then teachers' day changed to August 27 (birthday of Confucius). After 1949, the Central People's government resumed June 6 for teachers, the Ministry of Education gave a circular that local education workers, according to the actual situation to organize their celebration activities.

早在1931年5月,教育家邰爽秋、程其保等人就曾呼吁设立教师节,提高教师待遇,加强教师团队保护和教师培训。他们发表了《教师节宣言》,呈请当时的中央政府批准,并自己在南京中央大学庆祝教师节。并于1931年6月6日在南京中央大学举行了第一次庆贺教师节的仪式。但当时的教育部没有批准把这个节日列入学校校历。尽管这样,后来许多学校的教师仍于6月6日自动举行纪念活动。 1939年,当时的教育部规定以每年的8月27日孔子诞辰纪念日为教师节,并颁布了《教师节纪念暂行办法》,但后来未实行。




On January 21, 1985, the ninth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress made a resolution to designate September 10 as China's teachers' day.

Respecting teachers and valuing education is a fine tradition in China. As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty in the 11th century BC, it was proposed that "disciples serve teachers and respect their father".

Confucius, a great educator in ancient times, left a series of wise sayings such as "teaching without distinction", "reviewing the old and learning the new", "learning from the times". The teacher who preaches, teaches and dispels doubts is praised by the Chinese as the engineer of the human soul.

In fact, as early as 1932, the government of the Republic of China stipulated that June 6 was teachers' day. After liberation, it abolished teachers' day on June 6 and changed to "May Day International Labor Day", but teachers' day has no separate activities and characteristics.

The setting of teachers' day on September 10 is taking into account the new school year of national universities, middle schools and primary schools, and the school should have a new atmosphere.

When freshmen enter school, they respect teachers and attach importance to education, which can create a good atmosphere for "teachers teach well and students learn well". On September 10, 1985, China resumed the establishment of the first teachers' day. Since then, teachers have their own festivals.











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