

1、冬至开始数九,愿你快乐越数越“九”,烦恼统统溜走;钞票越数越“九”,压力匆匆出游;健康越数越“九”,疾病不敢存留;祝冬至数九,幸福久久!Count nine at the beginning of the winter solstice. May your happiness count more and more “Nine”, and all your troubles slip away; The more money, the more “Nine”, the pressure to travel in a hurry; The more health, the more “Nine”, the disease dare not survive; Wish the winter solstice number nine, happiness for a long time!

2、寒风袭来,阳光至;数九到来,温情至;冬至到来,长夜至;水饺端来,好运至;汤圆盛起,团圆至;美酒饮来,健康至;祝福到来,幸福至;冬至快乐!Cold wind and sunshine; Count nine to come, warmth to; The winter solstice comes and the long night comes; Good luck to bring dumplings; Tang Yuan Sheng Qi, reunion to; Good wine makes you healthy; Blessing comes, happiness comes; Happy winter solstice!

3、冬至雪落,寒意脉脉。天各一方,山遥水阔。情意不减,思念如昨。真心祝愿,平安快乐。好运相伴,成功在握。The winter solstice is full of snow and cold. The sky is far away, the mountains are far away and the water is wide. Affection does not diminish, missing is like yesterday. Sincerely wish you peace and happiness. Good luck accompanies success.

4、雪花在窗前飞扬着,不想早起还没做完的梦仍想继续。冬至快乐!Snowflakes are flying in front of the window. I don’t want to get up early. I still want to continue my unfinished dream. Happy winter solstice!

5、如果这个冬天不再寒冷,可能是因为你的刚好出现。冬至快乐!If it is no longer cold this winter, it may be because your just appeared. Happy winter solstice!

6、冬至是一年里最后一个节气,也是一年最长的一夜,愿你能在这个长夜,融化掉这一年所有的不快乐! The winter solstice is the last solar term of the year and the longest night of the year. May you melt all the unhappiness of the year on this long night!

7、岁月是一份考卷,校验着尘世的誓言;距离是一把尺子,测量着缘分的深浅;问候是一支彩笔,描绘着情意的冷暖。冬至时节,愿暖暖的问候直达你心间。Time is an examination paper, verifying the oath of the world; Distance is a ruler, measuring the depth of fate; Greeting is a colored pen, depicting the warmth of affection. In the winter solstice, may warm greetings reach your heart directly.

8、关怀不是今天才开始,祝福也不是今天就结束,我把最诚挚的心,最多的关怀和最深的祝福送给你,轻轻的告诉你,今天是冬至别忘记吃饺子哦。Care doesn’t start today, and blessing doesn’t end today. I give you my most sincere heart, most care and deepest blessing. Gently tell you that today is the winter solstice. Don’t forget to eat dumplings.

9、拧紧时光的发条,释放祝福的信号,放慢匆忙的步调,又是冬至来到,愿你把快乐接受,把好运全拥抱,心情美丽面带笑,休闲日子更美妙。Tighten the clockwork of time, release the signal of blessing, slow down the hurried pace, and it is the winter solstice. May you accept happiness, embrace good luck, have a beautiful mood and smile, and have a better leisure day.

10、借冬至的东风,送去温暖,愿你无波无折,平安健康。借冬至的冬雪,埋葬烦恼,愿你无克无难,顺意吉祥。冬至到了,祝开心快乐,万事如意。Take advantage of the east wind of the winter solstice to send warmth. I wish you peace and health without waves and twists. Borrow the winter snow of the winter solstice to bury your troubles. I wish you no grams, no difficulties and good luck. The winter solstice is coming. I wish you happiness and all the best.

11、冬至,你有没有听懂,我心跳为你而动,冬至,你有没有感动,我生命为你而懂,冬至,让爱情唤醒冬眠的世界,让真心唤醒冬眠的你,爱你。The winter solstice, do you understand? My heart beats for you. The winter solstice, are you moved? My life understands for you. The winter solstice, let love wake up the hibernating world, let sincerity wake up the hibernating you, love you.

12、缕缕焊缝,吹去的都是温情;片片雪花,凝聚的都是叮咛;片片落叶,摇曳的都是期望;点点星火,照耀的都是心声;字字句句,包含的都是安宁。冬至到了,祝你身体健康,幸福一生。Wisps of welds blow away warmth; Flakes of snow, condensed are exhortations; Falling leaves, swaying expectations; A little spark shines on the voice of the heart; Every word contains peace. The winter solstice is coming. I wish you good health and a happy life.

13、盛一碗情谊饺,让平安开道;抛弃所有烦恼,让快乐拥抱;存贮心中温暖,让寒冷走掉;融于,冬至节气,原冬至快乐!Hold a bowl of friendship dumplings to make peace; Abandon all troubles and let happiness embrace; Store the warmth in your heart and let the cold go; Melting into the solar terms of the winter solstice, the original winter solstice is happy!

14、如果说春天,是有诗情画意的季节。那么冬天,就是一个有冷静思索的季节。思索春华秋实,时光流逝,浪漫爱情,价值人生。冬至,福至! If spring is a poetic season. So winter is a season of calm thinking. Thinking about spring and autumn, the passage of time, romantic love, value life. Winter solstice, blessing to!

15、接收冬的尽头,转发春的开头;遥望暖的盼头,思念你在心头;冬至大有来头,祝福送你手头;愿你生活有乐头,事业有奔头!Receive the end of winter and forward the beginning of spring; Looking forward to the warm hope, I miss you in my heart; The winter solstice has a great beginning. I wish you a blessing; Wish you a happy life and a prosperous career!

16、冬至了,白天渐渐变长;冬至了,光明越来越长;冬至了,阳光越来越长;冬至了,祝福你的幸福也越来越长,好运越来越长,寿数长长。The winter solstice is coming, and the days are getting longer and longer; The winter solstice, the light is longer and longer; The winter solstice, the sun is getting longer and longer; The winter solstice is coming. I wish you happiness, good luck and longevity.

17、一二,天寒冷手;三四,冰上可走;五六,河沿看柳;七河开,八雁来;九如一,耕牛遍地走。冬至来,是几?无论对错,朋友长!One or two, cold weather and cold hands; Three or four, you can walk on the ice; Five or six, look at the willows along the river; Seven rivers open, eight geese come; Nine as one, cattle go everywhere. What time is the winter solstice? Right or wrong, friends are long!





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